Post 2: Why did you choose this career/study programme?

When I was a child, I dreamed of different professions: I wanted to be a doctor, a teacher, a dentist, and a singer, just to name a few. As time went by, I grew up and realized that I really wanted to study a health-related career. First, I thought about obstetrics, then nursing, then medicine, then dentistry. But I could never choose a career, as I liked them all. Who hasn't gone through that? When I got my PSU test results, I had access to all the careers I mentioned, except for one: medicine. At that time, I did not know what to study, I was very confused. That's why I decided to enter the Baccalaureate Academic Program at the University of Chile. During that period of study, I was able to reflect on myself, on what I wanted for my future, and I made the final decision to study dentistry. Why? Because I believe that dentistry is a complete career that blends perfectionism, art, biology, health, among other qualities. It is satisfying to think that my future patients can o...